5 key things every homeowner should know before joining their HOA board of directors:
people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

dealing with conflict

1. The time commitment is real: Being on the board isn’t just attending monthly meetings. Expect regular committee work, handling resident concerns, and potentially dealing with emergencies. Ensure you have the time and flexibility to dedicate before saying yes.

2. You’ll become an expert on legal and financial matters: Understanding your HOA’s governing documents, state and local laws, and basic financial principles is crucial. You’ll likely need to budget, make investment decisions, and navigate legal issues surrounding maintenance, assessments, and resident disputes.

3. Communication is key: Open and effective communication is essential. Be prepared to listen to residents’ concerns, actively inform them about decisions, and handle sensitive situations with diplomacy and tact. Communication skills are vital for building trust and fostering a positive community environment.

4. Conflict is inevitable: Prepare to face disagreements, differing opinions, and even conflicts among residents and board members. Develop strong conflict resolution skills and remain objective when making decisions that may not please everyone. You may want to brush up on Roberts Rules of Order.  Community Association Institute has classes that can help teach you how to resolve conflict

5. Be prepared for emotional rollercoasters:
You may not always see eye to eye with other board members. Just know thats OK. You’ll face frustrations, but also experience the satisfaction of making a positive impact on your community. Be prepared for the emotional ups and downs and maintain a balanced perspective. Don’t think about quitting when you hit that first obstacle, mentally tell yourself that you committed to a full term.