Washington state is clear on the schedule for reserve studies and if the association has never had a study a Level 1 must be performed before the association
Currently in Washington State its not required. However, if a condominium building is 3 or more stories in height and more than 10 years old, we highly recommend a structural inspection” be performed by a licensed architect or engineer. This inspection compliments the visual inspection we do every 3 years. If the building is within 3 miles of the coastline, we recommend that the engineering inspection occurs every 10 years from the date of construction.
There is no set prices as there a number of variables that determine cost: number of units, what common assets are there, age of buildings, location, time of the year and type of study. For a very small association with few assets the price could be as low as $1,800 to $6,500 (or more) for a large association with assets such as pools, weight rooms, tennis courts, laundry etc. Prices increase with large assets, of different types, with more history to review and reconstruct, the difficulty factor begins to increase.
It depends on the individual needs of the association. Determining an appropriate level of funding is unique as each association will have a particular view of what is acceptable for their own particular circumstances. Some association are willing to take on more risk than others.
In the context of funding levels the term “percent funded” is often used. This is a measure of current reserves compared with accumulated depreciation of common area components. It refers to the level of an association’s actual reserves compared with the fully funded balance, expressed as a percentage. The percent funded level can also be used to define an acceptable level of reserve funding and to set goals for associations to improve the level of their reserves.
As of January 2012, HOA’s and Condominium Associations that are not exempt must have a reserve study.
No, the law requires that a reserve study professional such as the Reserve Study Specialists from Pacific Crest Reserves perform the study. In reality the reserve study is complex and requires a 30 year outlook. This is a complex process that requires numerous calculations, estimation on component life and a 30 year projection. Most association members don’t have the background or tools to accurately create the study. Our analysts have construction and building inspection backgrounds. The studies conform to the requirements developed by the Community Associations Imitative (CAI).
We always look to the percent funded in reserves as an indication of health. We consider healthy reserves to be between 60% and 80% funded. The state laws are oriented to having association’s be 100% funded.
Reserves provide the funding necessary to maintain, repair, replace or restore major common area components (such as paint, pavement and roofs) in the future. Ideally, all future reserve item expenditures will be covered by those funds currently set aside in segregated accounts as reserves.
- Level 1 Reserve Study (Full) – A Reserve Study in which the following five Reserve Study tasks are performed:
- Component Inventory
- Condition Assessment (based upon on-site visual observations)
- Life and Valuation Estimates
- Fund Status
- Funding Plan
- Level 2 Reserve Study (due every 3rd year, With-Site-Visit/On-Site Review) – A Reserve Study update in which the following five tasks are performed:
- Component Inventory
- Condition Assessment (based upon on-site visual observations)
- Life and Valuation Estimates
- Fund Status
- Funding Plan
*Note- Updates are reliant on the validity of prior Reserve Studies.
- Level 3 Reserve Study (Update, No-Site-Visit/Off-Site Review) – A Reserve Study update with no on-site visual observations in which the following three tasks are performed:
- Life and Valuation Estimates
- Fund Status
- Funding Plan
Independent of methodology utilized we provide two models in addition to the actual results:
Full Funding– Maintaining a Reserve Balance at or near Percent Funded of 100%.
Threshold Funding– Establishing and maintaining a set Net Reserve Balance or Percent Funded.
Various funding methodologies have evolved to determine this allocation, however, the component method dominate most reserve study reports.
The funding plan is a primary part of the financial analysis that consists of a funding method and a funding goal.
In the 2012 changes to the law an association with significant assets must have a reserve study. They also added an exemption for small associations: “if the cost of the reserve study exceeds five percent of the association’s annual budget, the association does not have significant assets, or there are ten or fewer homes in the association.”
The reserve study is a budget planning tool which identifies the current status of the reserve fund and a stable and equitable funding plan to offset the expected future major common area expenditures. The reserve study consists of two parts: the Physical Analysis and the Financial Analysis.
The reserve allocation is the amount to be annually budgeted towards reserves based on a Funding Plan. The reserve allocation is a significant part of the overall budget, and therefore, considered a critical element of the funding study.
SIRS stands for structural integrity reserve study. The structural integrity reserve study must address: roofs; load bearing walls or other primary structural members; floors; foundations; fireproofing and fire protection systems; plumbing; electrical systems; waterproofing and exterior paint; windows; any other item which exceeds $10,000.00 in deferred maintenance cost and was identified by the engineer or architect performing the inspection portion of the structural integrity reserve study.
The cash flow method determines reserve allocation by projecting reserve allocations and disbursements over a time frame of thirty years and testing different allocations until a minimum allocation is found that maintains a Percent Funded or Net Reserve Balance amount above a specified funding goal (perhaps a Net Reserve Balance of zero dollars for Baseline Funding). This method provides for “collective funding” of all components.
When ever the board determines there are insufficient for the maintenance or repair of a common asset.
No, they will not. As the reserve study will tell the association when the components will need replacement or repair and what the costs will be. The reserve study and Washington State laws do not require the association to fund its reserves. The board determines how much it will contribute to the reserve fund. Its up to the board to determine when a special assessment is necessary. Starting in 2012 the state does require whether the association will need special assessments in the next 5 years.